The Virginia Transformational Leaders Academy (formerly known as the Virginia Superintendent's Leadership Academy) is a 12-month competency-based training program administered by the Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS) and designed for Virginia superintendents who desire to serve as leading change agents through innovation and deeper learning. The Academy basis its curriculum on the acquisition of leadership competencies identified in the Profile of a Virginia Leader which was presented to the Virginia Board of Education in July 2020. There are a number of superintendent academies throughout the country; however, the VTLA is the only academy uniquely designed to meet the challenges and opportunities of Virginia superintendents. The VTLA incorporates elements of the American Association of School Administrators’ (AASA) national models for superintendent “Professional Standards for Educational Leaders” (National Policy Board for Educational Leaders), that serve as the basis for AASA’s Leadership Academy and National Superintendent Certification Program®. To learn more, visit the VASS website by clicking the link below.